
Tat Tvam Asi

Never again to abandon my true real self for the empty faded images of mind.

Never again to leave the present to be tempted to enter into the flow of time by the phantom of mind.

Never again will I leave the gentle ease of the unbounded for the severed prison of identification.

To abide and live as horizonless formless timeless ever-present self-luminous Self Supreme, for evermore, is all I wanted.

In my love-frenzy for the supreme – to grasp the ungraspable – this love has stretched my being so wide, so thin, so open, so empty, that nothing but the formless remains.

Running as fast as I can into the depths of my own heart – in urgency to unite with my Beloved – thoughtlessly I dropped everything I was carrying.

Running so urgently – for this love/now – faster than thinking I left the past and the future behind.

Running so urgently –  for this love/now – I outran self-concern into the unmapped and beyond.

Running so urgently – for this love/now – my feet ran so fast that they left the floor of self-knowledge behind.

Now, in unlocated floorless and boundless space: running is useless, steering is meaningless, and stopping: an obsolete concept.

Now, life flows at full speed – frictionless – through perfect openness: perfect emptiness.

Eternity is now.

God is here.

No where else

No when else.

The expanse of space is itself the cavity of my wallless heart.

The beingness of this moment is my own form,


I am that!