Karmic Garment

Karmic Garment

The Karmic garment:

causality woven into thought;

habitual yet adaptive:

a reactive intelligence:

a self-sustaining equilibrium

that one calls ‘me’

and honours as a person: the subject

exalted beyond the object: the impersonal:

exalted as other to and above

the common thermodynamic destiny,

of the one energy.



who I am,

is so much more

than this fleeting human experience.

so framed in three dimensions,

so isolated in name and form.

this individual continuum,

so narrow so alone.

All names call me,

and it is I alone that calls out,

ever only to my Self.

the confines of no name

can contain me

for what I am

ever overflows:

all-permeating omnipresence.

I am all names at once,

and in the same instance,

beyond them all.

I am the pig, the cow, the chickens,

I am the flowers, the stones,

I am all men, all women, all trees,

the clouds, the sky, the oceans.

And beyond these three dimensions,

chained in linear time,

I am pure freedom,

unmanifest potential,

I am the free and formless energy:

the one pure light

from which all things dancingly arise,

and to which all things return.