rose and mint

Mint & Rose

Mint and rose are my favourite flavours.

A person has finally coalesced and stabilized like a mid-winter fruit from the spiraling vine of my damaged and traumatized mental continuum. A “me and my life” is. Grateful as I am, I see that this person is just the current flower head of a perennial continuum of consciousness and self countless blossomings old.

Frankincense, musk, lavender, myrrh, and thyme are my favourite fragrances.

Life lives itself, all by its own accord. The singularity experiencing experiences in the first-person merely thinks it is their doing. Like a window claiming credit for it’s view: from the sense of self arising from the singularity of awareness arises self-will and choice.

Mountain-top sunrises and ocean beach sunsets are my favourite sights.

Every soul in society constructs themselves into a socially acceptable person. For human consciousness is the theater of self and other as voice and audience. The audience’s negative and positive responses acknowledges or denies each inner self existence into or out of expression. Each inner voice of every personal psyche is the fruit of their human community.

Forest sounds, rivers, waterfalls, rain hitting still water, and the wind in the leaves are my favourite noises.

Once I yearned for the solitude to unpeel my being from its human psyche. For identity is repetition. A person is a cycle of consciousness and action. Now, like the water in an iceberg, I know I am formless regardless of my form. I am at peace with the construct I inhabit, for it is the prism that allows my light to be seen and take form.

Letting music dance through this body, truth speak through this heart, and beauty birth through these hands are my favourite activities.

In the greeting: the goodbye. In the arising of conditions for happiness: their disappearance and absence. In the birth: death. In the day: night. In tragedy and suffering: the warmth of compassion. Bittersweet this life has been. Bittersweet this life shall continue to be.

Listening to a friend, holding their hand, and being heard and held in turn: sharing our inner lives and dreams with dear ones are my favourite moments.

Not craving sweeter or avoiding the bitter, in oneness the bittersweet: the ups and downs of this human life flow freely through my open heart. I hold this life without clutching it, fulfilled enough to let it go, but lovingly and gratefully watching it unfold.

Friendships and family: our lives are all one. In the web of community, we are held up by each others hands. My stability and strength blesses both my self and others.

Seeing through the desires arising out of the construct of the person as being irrelevant to inner depths of my being, my energy can collect and transmogrify. The inner strength of a life unwasted on personal selfisness but rather channelled into wakeful love, feeds and nourishes all who comes near.

Be a simple fulfilled no-one, spontaneously alive, anonymously natural: surfing through life experience on ambitiousless peace. Rooted in the darkness of all-permeating light, flowering for yet another season as a blossom of love into the face of the world.