baby terror

Absolute Terror

The life or death terror of a baby:

everlasting without sense of time,

is as absolute as its helplessness.

The baby: helplessly overwhelmed by fear,

lives on as the ever anxious adult,

whose thinking – ever fearing: tomorrow;

that all their nightmare will come true.

The adult must deconstruct their fearful thinking,

and with sharp mirror cut that line of projection.

And turn from thoughts to the source of feeling,

and mend and hold their inner wailing.

To return to trust, it is the adult self that must hold the inner infant’s fear. And, through practical effort, build inner and outer safety: building a safety net in life to cushion the most basic fears.

Build a home as refuge and a sanctuary; to welcome bother inner and outer self into the deep relief of peace.

These things: baby-self, I promise I shall provide: safety, security, love, nourishment, and freedom fear.