20210513coverstory Two wild horses nuzzle each other on south Steens Mountain.BK6 1837 e1632736905462

Naked Horse



Person carriers and load-pullers,

fill this unhappy city,

trafficking insufferable burden-baskets woven of thought and will:

empty beings pursuing images of completion.

Filling empty streets with the deafening meaninglessness

of the hollow clamor of their futile activity and vain efforts.

Amidst endless streets lined with painted signs,

where sterile machines that run on greed,

wrap the trivial in illusions in exchange for vanity,

the naked horse stands:

saddle-less, person-less, burden-less:

wild, naked, and free.

Without a person and a person’s purpose,

the naked horse isn’t driven to seek illusions of completion,

and purposeless can not be thwarted: so suffers not,

and illusion- less, thought-less, will-less:

undriven flows, with natural ease,

in the here and now..

Without need for mental maps or comprehension,

an untamed anomaly of natural life and spontaneous movement,

traversing as lonely as a shooting star through a collective order

of rigid traffic of recursive thought and dead and set trajectories of will.

Yet, even so, the naked horse is not alone,

one with its own nature, and so, one with all of life:

thought-less so all-knowing,

will-less so a conduit of the will of Oneness.

It moves in deep communion and synchronization

with the living order of the universal golden herd:

that encompasses all present hearts

as they move in the Oneness of Self,

in gratitude, awe, and adoration,

in ever-growing compassion and wisdom,

between the unity and sacredness of life’s song,

and the eternal permanence of immortal silence.