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Distortion Field

we’re all broken,

we’re all broken because

the field of distortion that maps out the psyche of our personal self,

either wants too much or wants too little:

not able to surrender into simple alignment with what is:

it is that wanting what is not that forms our hard edge with what is,

that periphery of desire and fear is our brokenness:

that is our incoherence with the rest of the quantum field of what is.

And this is where we meet life’s suffering:

through our frayed ends:

our disconnection from the present:

our unwillingness just to be with what is:

our brokenness that wants too much or wants too little,

which is our incoherence: our misalignment: our desynchronization,

with the rest of the field of unity; with oneness.

Through our distortion that is our identity,

we suffer – for lack of unity – with what is.

The separating wanting that manifests through the distortion,

and appears as personal control,

is simply desyncrnozied activity.

Like the squid that pushes out the past to jet forward into the future,

the computational processing of our quantum distortion

is itself the lag that put us out of synchronization with unity in the now:

it is thinking: the computation of possibilities through the lens of identity,

that put us out of sync with the unity of all reality.

it is our arrogance: where we place self into identity

and dare to compute possibilities:

to control rather than flow along with unity,

that disrupts and discords and scars

the interdependent existence of the one ecology of all energy,

yeah, it is that arrogance and that seeking to control:

how dare we think, how dare we deem to move,

as separate beings:

as a sphere:

as a bubble of temporal lag within the ocean of timelessness,

to our own drum and

throw the choral beauty and symmetry of the one universe

with our own misguided little songs,

that together make a clamor that is just noise,

and dulls the drama that is God’s play

into mundane trivial micro outcomes:

fighting for control between shades of grey.

O Angels, I pray to you, I pray to you, I pray to you.

I pray to you for the medicine

that would set me free from this distortion.

You gave me the gift of the Guru’s sword in this life

and it cut through me: it cut my skin of wanting and fearing,

it cut through my distorted unhappy lens,

it cuts right through to the heart: to the happy essence

that has never has known a moment’s discontent with what is:

that never has suffered.

That never was born and that had never taken part in identity,

and my periphery is vanquished: my distortion is dissipated

and I am aligned again, I am here, fully with what is,

fully one with what is,

and out of my gushing wound pours unconditional love,

that embraces without desire or fear all that is,

because that is just what the heart is,

and now I am gushing: gushing with joy and love,

and I just here, hands-off with no control,

flowing through a life that has been gifted,

gifted as adoration at the feet of this gushing source of love.