The Mind’s Dandelion Mandalas



On the throne,

at the threshold of Pure Potential and Determined causality,

the threshold between eternity and time,

between Infinity and mind,

Clarity and Power opened to me.

I saw causes and their consequences,

and understanding came and passed,

of such great insight, that to utter them,

would found a culture of a thousand years,

but in the seed was the tree and tree’s end,

so I rested in silence, and moved beyond those insights,

deeper beyond the most subtle and profound thought,

to a place beyond understanding,

leaving the mind’s tricky time-bound treasures:

portal keys into finite tracks of “good” times and spaces,

unopened, unreported, on the side of the road;

little dandelion mandalas of karma and time.

Finally, all I want to do is rest in the timeless now,

and the simplicity of suchness beyond good and bad:

presence beyond action and shape:

peace beyond thought.