Author: JJ

  • Countless


    Bodies come, and go. But, what name calls out to the primordial silence? Countless as autumn leaves on a forest pathare the incarnations One must tred underfooton the path of evolutionary incarnation. So many mortal nameshave drummed the living skin of eternity.But,what need is there for a name,to call to attention,One that is always and…

  • Cosmic Snow

    Cosmic Snow

    I see,a landscape, snow.snow from horizon to horizon,and beyond the horizon,space,where moonlit snowflakesmingle with countless galaxies of stars,and snowy summitsreach out into intergalactic space,cosmic,the moon,full,like the all-seeing eye of existence itself“Hello Universe!”“I Love you!”somewhere,deeper,an angel smiles,“I Love you!”and the wind!like an invisible dragon,dancing around me,glorious,like a re-united friend!“I adore you!”The light in my heartwill never…

  • Dark Vanity

    Regret stings my eyes as I look out over the inner landscape of charred emotional ruins laid waste by a storm of dark hateful thoughts and rage. That silent violence of hate that like black blades cuts off and destroys connections, peace, love, truth, and joy. Black and burning like tar, it pollutes my inner-space…

  • Thy Will Be Done

    When I was young, my unbended will exceeded all societal conventions. Defending its equilibrium, society corrected me, and I gave up my will in capitulation to normality. Life became empty and dry, and, not myself, I couldn’t connect to others. Will is of the life-form. The duality of power and helplessness collapses when life and…

  • Empty Hearted

    My heart doesn’t accumulate or have. Memories. Understanding. Wealth. It holds on to nothing. Not even Love. These are all of the dance of forms: my heart is space itself. It accumulates neither in time nor quantity. Nothing is built up or down, transformed, or changed. A dialogue is a linear causality, silence is fathomless.…

  • Beloved Stranger

    Beloved Stranger

    Beloved Stranger,please forgive me.I could not tell you how your beauty rendered me speechless.I could not tell you how utterly naked I stood in your gaze.How the unspeakable beauty of your eyes so suddenly commanded my heart open. You conquered me effortlessly,and now,dumb, naked, defenseless,I stand here, overwhelmed by your radiance.A harmless fool in the…

  • The Adoration of Madonna

    The Adoration of Madonna

    Bless me, my Lords,Bless me so that this one may write well while he can write,for I have seen,just as a baby moves from crawling to walking,one day this one shall move beyond all words and the knowing of words,and beyond all things that words can know.This day I am a person,may opportunities not be…

  • Burning Pathway

    Burning Pathway

    As the seas float upon the earth,so the sky floats upon the seas and the earth like a borderless ocean.The pinnacle of the ancient pyramid above the worldthe final stairway, where all paths begin and end,looks out over the mirror-like shimmering surface of the sky-sea,where the dream of the world swirls like clouds of magical…

  • Born as Mercy

    Born as Mercy

    there is no mundane reality;no linear causality, no sequence of reigning possibilities,there is only mundane perception,of eternal omnipotence.Only through relative resonance,do latent possibilities have relative reality.Only Infinite Potential is,all that is real.O, with winged perception,to soar in truth,without notion of duration,without notion of distance,to abide in omniscience,and then to dive once more,into time, and once…

  • Rishikesh 2019

    Ramana’s Garden, Lakshman Jhula, Rishikesh 2019 Many happy memories. My first time working with children. My Guru at the time told me I should be working with children over and over again. She finally set it up for me to volunteer at Ramana’s Garden orphanage and school. The founder had been a disciple of the…