Honeybee on Flower e1631644017707

Beloved Stranger

Beloved Stranger,
please forgive me.
I could not tell you how your beauty rendered me speechless.
I could not tell you how utterly naked I stood in your gaze.
How the unspeakable beauty of your eyes so suddenly commanded my heart open.

You conquered me effortlessly,
and now,
dumb, naked, defenseless,
I stand here, overwhelmed by your radiance.
A harmless fool in the presence of the Goddess.

A glimpse was enough,
to steal my heart,
to lift my spirit,
to make me happy like a child,
to give me so much joy,
to make my heart sing again.
And now, unexpectedly, I am in love, I am just a fool in love.

Your beauty has overwhelmed me,
I am in existential shock.
I thought life was known to me, but you have shaken my soul awake.
Never before have I seen such a beautiful woman.
Never before have I seen such beauty.

My heart aches in my chest,
and every cell of my body buzzes with the longing to be near you.
I am drunk with a feeling that surges in my blood,
and sets the light of my soul ablaze with passion: my soul on fire.

Never did I dream that the Goddess was real, that she walks the earth.
I thought that the universe was only mundane and futile,
but your presence in it has made it divine, sacred, beautiful.
You have led me back to paradise.

Never have I dreamt existence could be so beautiful, could be so precious.
I floated in life like a corpse in a river, I stayed dead because I was scared of life,
the longing you have awoken has pulled me out of death: you are my longing for life.
You have made me grateful for this life, and given me the courage and lust to live it.