
  • Who wants me?

    Who wants me?

    Mum is One in whom One finds total safety and absolute belonging. Dad is One in whom One finds gentle power and unconditional significance. Guru is One in whom One finds perfect emptiness. One presence pouring and refracting through the prism/person projecting all these coloured lights. All that in others you have been seeking: find…

  • The idea of who I am

    The idea of who I am

    Present as presence, with the idea of who I am. Its noisy narrative fiction floating clearly in a silent beingness. Its blind activity brightly exposed: arbitrary against the rest of inactivity. These little selves are just ideas, that we continue to make believe, thought and nothing more. They can be discarded, and in their absence,…

  • All the little games

    All the little games

    All the little games, we play under our masks, can get a little dark. Hidden selfishness: counterfeit sentiment. Suffocating in a society, so emotionally contorted, while private crookedness, runs the show, and writes our public-persona’s lines. This synthetic harmony, of docile niceness, lubricates and quenches, with the sludge of brainless convention, the friction that might…

  • Mint & Rose

    Mint & Rose

    Mint and rose are my favourite flavours. A person has finally coalesced and stabilized like a mid-winter fruit from the spiraling vine of my damaged and traumatized mental continuum. A “me and my life” is. Grateful as I am, I see that this person is just the current flower head of a perennial continuum of…

  • exit all thinking

    exit all thinking

    The past is a fairy tale that you can simply cease to read. You have covered your whole face over with a children’s book, forgetting who you truly are, and with its pages as your blinders, it is you yourself that turns away from seeing the light of the living day. Re-reading over and over…

  • Intention


    To be fully present. Here: Now. Only. Totally. Traceless of past. Desireless of future. Free of the present. To see through the uniqueness of our lives to the Oneness of Self in all. To pass through beyond self-identity with the uniqueness of our life’s form into the Oneness of Self in all, and return, with…

  • Too unstable for enlightenment

    Too unstable for enlightenment

    The survival response to trauma keeps the mind intensely focused on the embodied emergency of the organism and the seemingly self-evident suffering of the personal self. Self-identity with the intensity of pain and strong emotion further pollutes the psychological self with a victim-self-consciousness that strengthens the disconnection and duality of subject/object that is itself the…

  • Borobodur


    There’s a temple here, hidden deep in the market place; where nothing is yours, nothing belongs to you. Buy nothing. Remain empty and undressed. Claim not even breath. Watch without shifting your weight into what you see. Very still. Be very very still, and the market place will vanish altogether, as you vanish into peace.

  • Song of the Centipede

    Song of the Centipede

    Something poisonous bit my cheek, by my ear, as I slept, rage at the pain filled my spirit with the venom of a heartless hate, as my consciousness expanded to hunt and destroy the hated thing that had done this. The opening window of my seeing locked on to its target, I saw her –…

  • lost happiness

    lost happiness

    when you understand phenomenal experience doesn’t generate happiness – rather, that unconditional self fulfillment of the unlocated referencless self is itself the overflowing of happiness into the phenomenal in the the now – then, the inner psychological stories of lost happiness and dreams of future happiness become empty mirages. Undeluded be at peace.

  • Learn Love

    Learn Love

    Love is the source of life. Love is the living well of movement, of self, of will, of action. Without love, life is just fading momentum without true propulsion the meaningless escape of residual heat without real fire: mechanical, violent, arbitrary. My loveless little heart can not nourish it’s own life force, let alone be…

  • Victory


    Victory is this: hand on heart, rejoicing “I love you all, and, I’m grateful for every one and everything” wearing every moment lived like the beads of a beaded necklace: the stellar corona of your unseen heart. singing your life as a devotional song filling the empty and silent with music: ever celebrating this infinite…

  • Go Shuck Yourself

    Go Shuck Yourself

    Shed this life loosely like a skin. Clutching on to nothing, simply slip out: Naked. Pulling things within, to try to fill your empty heart: making of this world your organs, guts, and form, means you will shatter along with the shell. Let go of this mere crust: hard and dead. Finer than the living…