
These are poems I have written over the years. They represent hard won insights from psychotherapy, spiritual practice, and medicine journeys.

  • Unified Field

    Unified Field

    The brightest light in the universe: all-permeating, reflectionless, invisible, unknowable, is the source; and the peak of the spectrum,from which all worldly lights decay.It is,Omniscience,Awareness,the Almighty.All atoms enlightened,all quanta awoken; dissolved, unified,as hollow particles of information,into the medium of infinite mystery:the unified field ofsupreme being.

  • The Silencing

    The Silencing

    Like a fragile butterfly crossing an abyss,the voice born in speech,that dies in silence,clings to existence,with endless comment. exhausted and fearful,expending endless effort,to pronounce its self into existence,to fend off its extinction:the eternal absence of its presence. but the object of speech,that would dot the endless stretch of silence,like the intermittent beating of fragile wings,are…

  • Tat Gu Ru Ji

    Tat Gu Ru Ji

    Awareness is itself Existence, for Oblivion unobserved by Oblivion is not. Awareness is itself the Ultimate Substance: Intrinsic and Irreducible and so not a structure of another substance. Awareness is the Great and Joyous Living Substance of Existence itself, exploring every possible limited structure it can make as it strives to fully express its Self,…

  • Rose from a Stranger

    Rose from a Stranger

    through her heart, carried away helpless, in the river of her relentless love, was I brought to the ocean,of the eternal presence of love,my being melted away,into that eternal landscape;horizonless love,is all there is, andall there ever was.

  • I am Silence

    I am Silence

    I hear music now, for they are celebrating a change within me, I will rise, and I will wake, and I won’t stop or stagnate, In the fire of transmutation: flames of the shapeless flux, of possibilities in exponential multiplication, burn bright until their spark ignites, into a blazing star of pure potential. I am…

  • Presence


      In my presence, is the presence. Only through my presence, can I come to the presence. For my presence, free from the ideas of “I” and “my”, is pure presence. Beyond all forms, colours, feelings, Beyond all transient phenomena, the sense, existential, THAT I AM: the very fact of BEING, the permanence of PRESENCE, is the…

  • Nobody


    the invisible man, slips through all barriers easily, meeting no resistance. moving swiftlyalong the path,with all focus on the goal,he has already forgotten,the path behind him.a life lived anonymously.

  • Mystic Walking

    Mystic Walking



    Some walking begins and endswith a function and a destination,some walking can take us closer,and can take us further away. But permeating each and every walk,And behind the appearance of every arriving and leaving,is an endless walking: a mystic walking that has witnessed every stepunfold within a single eternal moment: a walking that never begunand…

  • Loving Mahamaya

    Loving Mahamaya

    The end of suffering, is the realization, that no one suffered. – Images, floating up and inevitably sinking, in the stream of appearances: – Images, that identified with, become the ‘I’: in turn, attaching to images to suffer desire as they sink, rejecting images to suffer fear as they rise: – The ‘I’, itself an…

  • Lightning Dragon

    Lightning Dragon

    Illuminating depthless Oblivion, A lightning bolt of ultimate power! With Flashing wings, limbs, and head, its thunder is cosmic laughter that destroys illusion! Laughing it destroys distance, Laughing it destroys durations, Laughing it destroys relative information, Laughing, it has compassion. HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! Cosmic Laughing Lightning Dragon! Flashing ultimate energy Thundering Cosmic Laughter,…

  • La Ilaha Illallah

    La Ilaha Illallah

    There is no explanation for this form,I have but one faith with but one belief,the one energy moves only towards the realization of its self.This thing of two eyes, skin, and hair,this moment in all its form and splendor,there is but one energy and the human body is its realized form.The perfect will of the…

  • Karmic Garment

    Karmic Garment

    The Karmic garment: causality woven into thought; habitual yet adaptive: a reactive intelligence: a self-sustaining equilibrium that one calls ‘me’ and honours as a person: the subject exalted beyond the object: the impersonal: exalted as other to and above the common thermodynamic destiny, of the one energy. consciousness: existence: who I am, is so much…

  • Just Love

    Just Love

    What do others think of me? In the marketplace of egos, small hearts, like tight leather purses, measure out, barter, and trade ever only, in the scarcity of conditional love. But who cares, who gives, and who receives love? The circumference of a skin, does not delineate the full volume of Self. No separate volumes are there…

  • Eternal Friend

    Eternal Friend

    I love Her… that space, that hall way – that empty space between the living murals of illusion and time – that corridor of endless doors, that long deep cave of endless portals… and beyond that pearl – beyond the ancient vineyard where ripples of light and shadow give birth to life – in the…

  • Tat Tvam Asi

    Tat Tvam Asi

    Never again to abandon my true real self for the empty faded images of mind. Never again to leave the present to be tempted to enter into the flow of time by the phantom of mind. Never again will I leave the gentle ease of the unbounded for the severed prison of identification. To abide and live as horizonless formless timeless…

  • Gift of Living Love

    Gift of Living Love

    Self, No longer bound by the horizon of appearances, yawns serenly into bordless and depthless vastness: an ocean of awareness, into which the rivers of experience freely stream, and freely dissolve. Self, No longer bound by identity with the image, bridles the gnashing bite of suffering, and mounts as master the living image of its…

  • Eternal Fire

    Eternal Fire

    A great Lightning bolt stands burning in the day sky.It stands like a tower of light, soaring beyond halos upon halos of clouds.Stretching into the thinnest blue light of the sky,into the deepest heavens beyond all sight,bursting forth from the hypostasis of existence itself.To the very core of the earth, it carries its immortal cosmic…

  • One Energy

    One Energy

    All is energy. One hundred thousand prostrations: I bow to the one energy. I am energy. Beyond good, beyond bad, infinity has made me conscious and consciousness has set me on fire. As a flame is energy released from form, so then, consciousness is being released from identity. I will spread the flame, the light…

  • Divine Promise

    Divine Promise

    I saw Him,His body of light,His transparent feet ablaze,walking this common ground,which seemed a rippling soup of milk,transmuted by the awesome pressure of his divine presenceinto cosmic light and atoms of sacred unknown origin:Their every core singing with a disciple’s ecstasy. The divine presence of his feet,dissolving them into light and nectar essence Him: walking…

  • Countless


    Bodies come, and go. But, what name calls out to the primordial silence? Countless as autumn leaves on a forest pathare the incarnations One must tred underfooton the path of evolutionary incarnation. So many mortal nameshave drummed the living skin of eternity.But,what need is there for a name,to call to attention,One that is always and…

  • Cosmic Snow

    Cosmic Snow

    I see,a landscape, snow.snow from horizon to horizon,and beyond the horizon,space,where moonlit snowflakesmingle with countless galaxies of stars,and snowy summitsreach out into intergalactic space,cosmic,the moon,full,like the all-seeing eye of existence itself“Hello Universe!”“I Love you!”somewhere,deeper,an angel smiles,“I Love you!”and the wind!like an invisible dragon,dancing around me,glorious,like a re-united friend!“I adore you!”The light in my heartwill never…

  • Cosmic Bliss

    Cosmic Bliss

    Within awareness, the beginning-less, and end-less, river of Bliss, courses withever permuting,waves of form;of rising, exhilarating,and thenexhausting, excruciating,Bliss,ever to be renewed,in the lovely and enjoyable,contact ofawareness with awareness:Self with Self,in the play of Self-Experience.–Wave-Forms in the flow of bliss:information in experience,are merely relatively transient,stability in pattern.–Experience experienced without,desire or fear,is bliss.–For experience in awareness,of awareness,is…

  • Dark Vanity

    Regret stings my eyes as I look out over the inner landscape of charred emotional ruins laid waste by a storm of dark hateful thoughts and rage. That silent violence of hate that like black blades cuts off and destroys connections, peace, love, truth, and joy. Black and burning like tar, it pollutes my inner-space…

  • Thy Will Be Done

    When I was young, my unbended will exceeded all societal conventions. Defending its equilibrium, society corrected me, and I gave up my will in capitulation to normality. Life became empty and dry, and, not myself, I couldn’t connect to others. Will is of the life-form. The duality of power and helplessness collapses when life and…

  • Empty Hearted

    My heart doesn’t accumulate or have. Memories. Understanding. Wealth. It holds on to nothing. Not even Love. These are all of the dance of forms: my heart is space itself. It accumulates neither in time nor quantity. Nothing is built up or down, transformed, or changed. A dialogue is a linear causality, silence is fathomless.…

  • Beloved Stranger

    Beloved Stranger

    Beloved Stranger,please forgive me.I could not tell you how your beauty rendered me speechless.I could not tell you how utterly naked I stood in your gaze.How the unspeakable beauty of your eyes so suddenly commanded my heart open. You conquered me effortlessly,and now,dumb, naked, defenseless,I stand here, overwhelmed by your radiance.A harmless fool in the…

  • The Adoration of Madonna

    The Adoration of Madonna

    Bless me, my Lords,Bless me so that this one may write well while he can write,for I have seen,just as a baby moves from crawling to walking,one day this one shall move beyond all words and the knowing of words,and beyond all things that words can know.This day I am a person,may opportunities not be…

  • Burning Pathway

    Burning Pathway

    As the seas float upon the earth,so the sky floats upon the seas and the earth like a borderless ocean.The pinnacle of the ancient pyramid above the worldthe final stairway, where all paths begin and end,looks out over the mirror-like shimmering surface of the sky-sea,where the dream of the world swirls like clouds of magical…

  • Born as Mercy

    Born as Mercy

    there is no mundane reality;no linear causality, no sequence of reigning possibilities,there is only mundane perception,of eternal omnipotence.Only through relative resonance,do latent possibilities have relative reality.Only Infinite Potential is,all that is real.O, with winged perception,to soar in truth,without notion of duration,without notion of distance,to abide in omniscience,and then to dive once more,into time, and once…