
  • ArunachalaSiva


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    To whom do these thoughts arise? To I Who am I?

  • Futility of Self-Will

    Futility of Self-Will


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    Fuck the beautiful mind. All its concieted eloquence. There are no right actions to be taken or prescribed. Whenever self-will manifests and moves, the shadow of the remaining fraction of unclaimed non-self moves against it as the force of drag. As with any fluid medium, consciousness can only move in and against itself. There is…

  • Mind Baiting the Soul

    Mind Baiting the Soul


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    Even in the fantasy mind offers as the fulfillment of all my personal desires – as a baited to hook to remain identified with thought and feed it energy – it uses the bait of fame, and total respect, admiration, and reception. But in the field of awareness, every daisy bows only to the sun,…

  • None of your business

    None of your business


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    What will happen to you in the future is none of your business. Don’t touch it. The imagined fate of the imagined personal self is not in your purview. Just be here and now, and let’s see.

  • Love like Breath

    Love like Breath


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    Love, Love is life: just like breath, it enters me, it fills me, and like a gift, given then shared, I give it back, for I want to hold, the giver more than the gift, into the warm embrace of my beloved, I am dissolved.

  • Angel Song

    Angel Song


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    We are each of us on a journey, that we must hope, will at last come to love, as we within each of ourselves find the love, to find within each other true family, as hand in hand we stitch, an eternal circle of hearts: a portal through which heaven pours: Oneness made manifest on…

  • Hello Life

    Hello Life


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    Hello, little life, Hello, great life, as life itself I greet you. Hello, volumes of life, wearing the forms that contain you, we are life itself, and as that Oneness, we meet truth.

  • A Length of Grass

    A Length of Grass

    A length of grass, has no ego, no id, neither happy or sad, it simply is, an irreplaceable and essential part of the total perfection of the One field. For the rest of my days, I wish to live like a length of grass.

  • Formless Faceless

    Formless Faceless

    I am the fake. I am the false. I am but a mask of flesh, for the faceless and the fleshless. This person, this name, this form: all of these thoughts, this voice: all of these objects of awareness, perceived in simple awareness, are too complicated, too bold: strenuous statements of information within the simple,…

  • Spontaneously Self-Manifesting

    None of these spontaneously self-manifesting phenomena are me or mine: not these feet, nor these legs. Not the chill of this wind. None of these spontaneously self-manifesting phenomena are me or mine: not these streets, nor the sky. Not these trees. None of these spontaneously self-manifesting phenomena are me or mine: not these hands, not…

  • Weary
  • Soar into the Heart
  • Awareness is not “yours”
  • Zen
  • Unity of Silence
  • There is a Flame without a wick
  • You can not look into the Light
  • Lifeless Reflected Light

    Lifeless Reflected Light


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    Beloved,I know that I do not exist.That that which now writes and speaks and distresses,is just causality and lifeless reflected light.Why then do I not surrender? Why do I hold on to limit?Why am I so gullible to so comfortably believe this I in form, though the truth is clear?

  • Life Goals

    Life Goals

    I’m going to go for the treasures of the world:I’m going to go for the private home,for the beloved,the children,the family and close friends,for nature,for fulfilling work,for connection,for love.I will go for them in full knowledge,and with full-surrender to their truth:that they will be impersonal,that they will be temporary,that they will not fully fulfill,And if…

  • Me and You

    Me and You

    You fill me today. I see you and feel you everywhere and in all my being. I feel love and sadness and regret. Around this deep unmoving place – like petals – a fierce love for all this pain. And compassion like urgent morning light. I understand it is a journey away from you and…

  • Nothing Belongs to me

    Nothing Belongs to me

    Nothing belongs to me,Self-manifesting phenomena,arise and fade of their own accord.Claimed: they linger unnaturally –spoiling or shriveling like dried flowers. Nothing belongs to me,I have never had a birth or death,I have never had a friend or ever been aloneI have never even taken a single breath,I have never been a disciple,I have never had…

  • What does formlessness look like?

    What does formlessness look like? You won’t find it anywhere in experience. You can only look with heart-eyes within. Retrace your steps, and find that no one and nothing was ever waiting for you. It is only here and it is only now. Smile, loneliness was of the body, it will never visit you again. Countless and incredible are…

  • Wisdom Heart

    Wisdom Heart

    As Attachment is Ignorance, So Detachment is Pure Ignorance. As Detachment is not Non-Attachment, So Empty-Closedness is not the natural freedom of Open-Emptiness. As Ignorance is the circumference of a Closed-Heart, So Wisdom is the ever-enduring Love of a Wide-Open-Heart! May All Beings Be Happy, May Existence Supply Them With All Their Needs, May All…

  • The unsmelt flower

    The unsmelt flower


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    True beauty only and inevitably blossoms in the absolute and undistorted absence of ‘I’- ever only for that which eternally innocent is that to which all prayer, adoration, and devotion is ever directed.

  • Rose from a Stranger

    Rose from a Stranger

    through her heart, carried away helpless, in the river of her relentless love, was I brought to the ocean,of the eternal presence of love,my being melted away,into that eternal landscape;horizonless love,is all there is, andall there ever was.

  • Nobody


    the invisible man, slips through all barriers easily, meeting no resistance. moving swiftlyalong the path,with all focus on the goal,he has already forgotten,the path behind him.a life lived anonymously.

  • Lightning Dragon

    Lightning Dragon

    Illuminating depthless Oblivion, A lightning bolt of ultimate power! With Flashing wings, limbs, and head, its thunder is cosmic laughter that destroys illusion! Laughing it destroys distance, Laughing it destroys durations, Laughing it destroys relative information, Laughing, it has compassion. HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! Cosmic Laughing Lightning Dragon! Flashing ultimate energy Thundering Cosmic Laughter,…

  • Dark Vanity

    Regret stings my eyes as I look out over the inner landscape of charred emotional ruins laid waste by a storm of dark hateful thoughts and rage. That silent violence of hate that like black blades cuts off and destroys connections, peace, love, truth, and joy. Black and burning like tar, it pollutes my inner-space…

  • Thy Will Be Done

    When I was young, my unbended will exceeded all societal conventions. Defending its equilibrium, society corrected me, and I gave up my will in capitulation to normality. Life became empty and dry, and, not myself, I couldn’t connect to others. Will is of the life-form. The duality of power and helplessness collapses when life and…

  • Empty Hearted

    My heart doesn’t accumulate or have. Memories. Understanding. Wealth. It holds on to nothing. Not even Love. These are all of the dance of forms: my heart is space itself. It accumulates neither in time nor quantity. Nothing is built up or down, transformed, or changed. A dialogue is a linear causality, silence is fathomless.…