Spoken Word

  • Burning Pathway

    Burning Pathway

    As the seas float upon the earth,so the sky floats upon the seas and the earth like a borderless ocean.The pinnacle of the ancient pyramid above the worldthe final stairway, where all paths begin and end,looks out over the mirror-like shimmering surface of the sky-sea,where the dream of the world swirls like clouds of magical…

  • Born as Mercy

    Born as Mercy

    there is no mundane reality;no linear causality, no sequence of reigning possibilities,there is only mundane perception,of eternal omnipotence.Only through relative resonance,do latent possibilities have relative reality.Only Infinite Potential is,all that is real.O, with winged perception,to soar in truth,without notion of duration,without notion of distance,to abide in omniscience,and then to dive once more,into time, and once…