Our mind’s are built for us,

by the adult’s in our childhoods.

Each interaction a response to our existence:

shaping and defining our self-concept in the world.

Linguistic interactions between cognitive selves,

can be talked through and re-conditioned.

But, prelinguistic input prior to a cognitive self,

becomes neurological, physiological, epigenetic.

I – the conscious self- can not alter the architecture of the mind from which I arise,

for now, I can only flip the light switch on,

and decline,

to be led by its specters into baited-rages or panicked flight,

down recursive corridors of thinking and trauma-based reactions.

To chose, again and again,

to no longer gaze into the haunted paintings of memory,

or shamble through the long-dead graveyard of the past,

but instead through open windows

let the blessed sunlight of the lived present,

fill and flow through my inner space.

I must show up for my self, and

reclaim and restore these damp, haunted ruins,

no longer vacating through disassociation,

but accepting the ruble and destruction,

tend to the mind I inhabit and make of it

a stable and loving home.

Not a fortress or a hermitage,

but with empathy inviting in all,

a place of compassion, community, connection,

of practical wisdom, health, and love.

So that one day, clear and empty,

like a dew drop,

my mind can vanish and rest,

in the loving embrace of unity

with all of life.