Dark Vanity

Regret stings my eyes as I look out over the inner landscape of charred emotional ruins laid waste by a storm of dark hateful thoughts and rage. That silent violence of hate that like black blades cuts off and destroys connections, peace, love, truth, and joy. Black and burning like tar, it pollutes my inner-space as my heart pleas “what about love?”

Rage, Anger, Bitterness, Resentment: these are all vanities that cry out in hollow ugly voices “what about me!” … inflated self-importance of the individual overruling the universal equality of Oneness. And hate… a retaliation: an illusion of control, a vanity that cuts the one wields it off from the Truth of Oneness and the peace of non-resistance.

Let a flood of heart felt apologies humble my dark vanity and bring me back into Oneness. Let a flood of heart felt gratitude humble my discontent until like an ocean it swallows up every trifle in acceptance and surrender – finding joy in simple breath and not needing more that this very moment.