AlanSchaller LondonStreetPhotographer Metropolis6

Forgotten Lives



Nameless creatures, countless anonymous lives,

lives that were lived, are living, and will live,

and we among them, live lives that won’t be remembered.

Our thoughts, our names, our squabbles, our grudges: trivial.

The insignificance of life is a great liberator, a peace and balm,

that lift’s the weight of desire for fame, meaning, and acknowledgment.

Scalded by having never mattered to anyone,

I find peace in the harsh truth, that all events and existences are trivial,

that there is no one to matter to.

Because instead, there are no preconditions to significance:

all is meaningful and significant simply because it is,

irrelevant of “who” acknowledges their being.

For all eyes being windows in the same wall,

that even though through different lenses and points of view,

all look out to see the same sun,

that pours its holy light into and through every window-heart.

The greatest mercy of the Beloved is her Omnipresence,

through every experience, she is with us.

Always there. Never alone.

We matter to her.

It is her love that sustains us.