index 1




I am sorry for all that in me which is not pure essence of mind: pure presence – for all information in me that misinforms a sense of personal self. I am sorry for my personal identification with this memory – for taking ownership of something that does not belong to my formless and timeless self.

Forgive me for my unconsciousness, for all my ignorance of my formless self – forgive my personal identification and cherishing of this memory: this idea: this dead image which is now dead and untruth.

Thank you for the opportunity to fully experience and receive what is and address this personal ignorance me that resists what is in the light of impersonal consciousness and clean it of personal identification and significance to formless silent uninformed being. Thank you for emptying this image of self. Thank you for freeing the impersonal formless self from this data-prison of identity with form.

I love you unconditionally o limited personal consciousness and this information. I love you totally and unconditionally and impersonally releasing me from the limits of love that would bound and inform my being into a geometry of knowledge: a web of lovelessness and bondage.

I am sorry for all that in me which is not pure essence of mind: pure impersonal presence.

Forgive me those parts of me that, personally identified with form, thought, and informaiton, reactively act out cyclical ignorance rather than from the standpoint of unconditional love of pure presence.

Thank you for all this: for the oppurtunity to be fully present and fully meet this information and empty it out of resonanting significance through impersonal pure experiencing.

I love you now, impersonal and unconditionally as presence and welcome the release of the old and coming of the new like a warm summer sky.

I am sorry for these repeating patterns of thought, feeling, and deed: for the sense of personal self and familiarity.

Forgive me for all those parts of me that are personally identified and informed with dead memories: for everything in me that is not of the here and now: that is not pure essence of mind: pure impersonal presence.

I love you – here and now – unconditionally and impersonally – as and in full sight of the truth of our one and shared presence. I relinquish and exsanguinate any other standpoint based on identification with memory and form.

Thank you for this: for all that is and this opportunity to be fully and impersonally present and fully meet and feel this difficult information to eviscerate it of personal significance – which is ignorance – in the impersonal light of pure awareness selfless self.

I am sorry for these self-repeating cycles of thoughts, actions, energy, and mistakes that lead me deeper into delusion.

Forgive me those parts of me that are so identified with past information and memories that they can not act from natural alignment with the present moment as pure essence of mind: impersonal present awareness: presence.

I love you beloved presence, to be one with you as pure present presence is my heart’s only true and real living desire born from present awareness.

Thank you for everything, I have absolutely no complaints about anything. I don’t know or need to know, or need anything – everything I want and need is within me as my own self-fulfilled being.

im sorry for this repetitive conditioned thoughts and actions

forgive me and those parts of me holding on to identitiy with stored information and living from causality rather than the openness of present awareness.

I love you the one presence in all forms and manifesting in all circumstance. Reconnecting to love in my heart in the present moment, as essence of mind pure presence, I love all that is unconditionally and impersonally.

Thank you for everything. I have no complaints about anything. I relinquish all identity with desired and expected outcomes. I surrender.