Ignore me.



Oh Awareness! Ignore me!

You are not this person:

You are not this I.

Does this life story still entertain you? This closed loop whose end is predetermined? You who have reveled in open boundless mystery?

Oh Awareness! Ignore me!

You are not this person.

You are not this I.

Let go of me! Let me fade from your memory like the ground from which you soar!

You have no need of me. Do not be so gullible! You are all that is real. Let this person’s story fall away: empty of anything but the fact of its existence.

Oh Awareness! Ignore me!

You are not this person.

You are not this I.

How could the simple geometry and hard facets of this battered psyche capture you? Do not be baffled by this mere shiny bead.

Ignore me Awareness: you are not this person.

Ignore me Awareness: you are not his I.

This I may strut, and prance, and may take position, claim and proclaim. This I may make progress, get stuck, and fall and sin and save and help.

Do not follow this maze runner I through the endless corridors of images in this self-entangled uncertain mind.

Be certain: you awareness are not this I.

Let my song and dance and wild rages for your attention be unimportant and with a compassionate half-smile attend fully to your self, Awareness.

Oh Awareness, do not touch this I, this person.

Oh Awareness, you are not this person, you are not this I.

This face, this voice, this outer shell: all these things must go. You were before and ever shall remain. Why waster you time with me? This empty being, this stream of thinking, these sensory inputs, these emotional states – are they all so entertaining that you are glued to your seat?


Like the rider in a trance of communed consciousnesses that sees the horses and not himself, and take himself to be the beast, wake up and take the reigns you ever held. Be done with this charade. It is within you. So stop pretending to be helpless. There is none to fool or cheat but yourself.

Awareness you have created this reality. You alone are al that is real. Wake up within the dream. Attend to yourself. Take full responsibility. Take up your throne in this heart!