
Dear Society

Dear society,

please forgive me for taking your atheist materialism so personally, for lovelessly rejecting you and mind, and being so rigidly anti-materialist.

In the midst of my spiritual crisis, you mistook me in your mental hospitals as a broken organic machine that needed to be repaired. Treating my testament of selfless presence as a pathological delusion of a chemically broken brain.

However, I am equally to blame, as,

in the midst of my spiritual crisis, I mistook myself as formless timeless awareness and rejected the synesthesia of language as delusion veiling the simplicity of suchness, and my own thinking and personality as bondage to causality and time.

Whatever it is, any conviction whatsoever in any declaration of self-knowledge is just loveless unconsciousness.

We were both to blame.

Let us both put all knowledge and declarations aside,

Let us love each other unconditionally: no longer bickering over ontology and epistemology.

Simple love doesn’t need to know what it loves or why,

so let us just love,

and in silence and peace,

just be.