lotus 2 e1632151609397

Lotus Shield



My inner children
are the sacred guardians
of epigenetic keys
and only through conscious contact
with the mature love and present awareness
of the current adult person,
can they be transformed
from wrathful deities of self-destruction,
into divine portals of realized life.

And in my deep-dive,
holding onto the weight of my friend’s hand,
as a safety line,
I dove once more into my depths,
and found many children,
who exploring the landscape of my present mind,
approved of the interior,
and gave me their smile and their trust, and their key.

Diving deeper in trust,
a giant luminous lotus bud surfaces out of my depths,
and with mantras written with its natural pigments
on the velvet of its petals:
revealed wisdom written in D.N.A

I reach out and put my hand on the petal
to feel its texture, and from the luminous core of the lotus bud,
a silhouette nears into definition on translucent petal screen,
and a hand is placed over mine, making contact,
through the veil of the lotus petal’s shield.

And in the contact I understand,
this is the bud of awakening,
the epigenetic key that briefly blossomed in my adolescence,
and closed itself off when the mind and situation of that
then current me was so overwhelmed by trauma
and the flood of intense unstable emotion.

DNA resonates with forms of consciousness.
Sadhana is an epigenetic process,
to resonate with and contain in form,
silence and pure awareness.

Kundalini is the spiral of awakened DNA,
fully alive and resonant with the present,
unentangled and fully certain: fully here.
A divine union between awareness and flesh.

We live but a partial union,
half-lives of semi-incarnation,
our souls are split but caught,
just enough to be trapped.
The full union of the soul in the body,
of awareness with genetic legacy:
that is absolute awakening:
that is the ancient promise,
written within our code.

Vibration takes form; the final vessel of the first word,
the name of all, the alpha is written into the foundation of our bodies.
Yoga is epigenetic activation.

And in contact of our hands,
through the translucent skin of the lotus petal,
there was a promise made.

That, if I can stabilize and clean up the mental space my current mind,
then, he too will come out: the petal
walls of the lotus will open,
the lotus will bloom,
and he will join me in
epigenetic union and then
my blood with blossom with love,
and surge with the purity of truth,
and the fullness of my soul,
will be received into my life,
and I will live with the presence of the
source in the world
for the rest of my days.