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Neurogenesis & Synaptogenesis: How to bring under-connected areas of the brain back online.

Following on my previous post about the book: Childhood Disrupted How your biography becomes your biology and how you can heal by Donna Jackson Nakazawa – a look at steps she states can help ” create new neurons (neurogenesis), make new synaptic connections between those neurons (synaptogenesis), promote new thought patterns and reactions, and bring under-connected areas of the brain back online, and reset out stress response to decrease the inflammation making us illl.”

  1. Take the ACE Survery
  2. Find out your Resilience Score

Both 1 & 2 can be done here: https://acestoohigh.com/got-your-ace-score/

3. Write to Heal. This blog is my attempt at that, though I should probably follow a workbook and I am looking into using this one: https://www.innerbonding.com/show-page/358/the-inner-bonding-workbook.html

4. Draw it ( Art Therapy) Something I already do and will start to put on this blog.

5. Mindfulness Meditation – the best method for repairing the brain.

The author strongly recommends at least a “10-minute practice of mindfulness as an act of mental hygiene. ” Something I already do.

She recommends MBSR (mindfulness-based stress reduction) course to help us learn techniques to manage and reset our stress response. Something I need to look into… finding something online, and remote, preferably free.

Additionally, she lists some “life-changing” podcasters for meditation that I am now going to investigate:

Tara Brach: https://tarabrach.libsyn.com/

Sylvia Boorstein: http://www.sylviaboorstein.com/audio

Jack Kornfield: https://jackkornfield.com/meditations/

Sharon Salzberg: https://www.sharonsalzberg.com/metta-hour-podcast/ https://beherenownetwork.com/category/sharon-salzberg/ (better menu)

Trish Magyari: http://trishmagyari.com/

Norman Fischer: https://dharmaseed.org/teacher/134/

Pema Chodron: https://soundcloud.com/pema-chodron-foundation – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rql2mA5HoA –

I’m also going to add Opera – https://super-soul.simplecast.com/episodes

