• The end of Trauma

    The end of Trauma



    Trauma is illusion. The self-fulfilled light has ever been perfectly self-fulfilled. This life has ever been lived with love. This life has ever been lived with the light of presence. Never has this life known lovelessness. Never has this life known the darkness of unconsciousness. Never has this life been less than perfect. Your memory…

  • mystic mustache

    mystic mustache



    My mum thinks I am her son. My sister thinks I am her brother. My step-dad thinks I am his rival. My friends think I am a nice guy. My personality thinks I am a story it is telling itself. My consciousness dreams I am the form it experiences and animates. But, They see only…

  • drown in self-love

    drown in self-love



    Regarding my own person with impersonal neutrality loosens the constrictions of my personal self-judgment, softens the hardness of my personal self-beliefs and self-concepts, and releases life and consciousness from the recursive re-enactments of a self-manifesting self-repeating personal identity with a certain outcome: opening up space for unconditional love, and blessings the person didn’t imagine it…

  • Mental Weakness

    Mental Weakness



    There is so much more space and peace in my mind now that I no longer take my mental ill health personally: that it is not something happening to me, but rather simply is. The main branches of my mental weakness seem to be a lack of ability to concentrate and keep concentrated – my…

  • None of your business

    None of your business


    in ,

    What will happen to you in the future is none of your business. Don’t touch it. The imagined fate of the imagined personal self is not in your purview. Just be here and now, and let’s see.

  • Don’t be Afraid

    Don’t be Afraid



    This body is your body too. These loving thoughts are your loving thoughts too: this mind is your mind too. Let the concept of other fall away like these clothes. Beloved, predestined lover, enjoy this sacred dance, enjoy our predestined union, allowing sacred causes to play out in our mutual absence in this moment. The…

  • Bitter Pills

    Bitter Pills



    I am deeply sad about the life I am experiencing. Asking: “who is sad?” the pain becomes a bitter pill that revitalizes my inner light: pain brings into impersonal light the yet overlooked untruth of assumed personal identity. In the absence of the person; of the sense of first-person, there is a deep rest that…

  • Forgotten Lives

    Forgotten Lives



    Nameless creatures, countless anonymous lives, lives that were lived, are living, and will live, and we among them, live lives that won’t be remembered. Our thoughts, our names, our squabbles, our grudges: trivial. The insignificance of life is a great liberator, a peace and balm, that lift’s the weight of desire for fame, meaning, and…

  • Welcome




    No Mother welcomed me into her womb, No Father welcomed me as his child, No Family welcomed me as a member, No Friends welcomed me into their circle, No Community welcomed me into their tribe, No Partner welcomed me into their heart, No school welcomed me as a student, No Guru welcomed me at their…

  • The Weight of Love

    The Weight of Love



    These bodies will age and deteriorate, while our personalities may mature and grow beautiful, but this love; timeless and now: has ever been and ever will be eternal and perfect. This Love is between Space and Space; for who else, what else, could inspire a miracle of love like this? O Beloved, for this love…

  • He who looks out of these eyes

    He who looks out of these eyes



    These three-eyes are diamond jewel offerings to him alone; too precious to be used for mind’s trivial delights. This body: a temple of profound power and enjoyment; consecrated for the pleasures of Self alone. Too precious to be a taxi for the ego and its endless worldly errands. Every breath. Every taste. Every enjoyment. Into…

  • Naked Union

    Naked Union



    O Beloved, I have loved you in and through all your forms. I have found you in every eye, in every heart, and every breath. It has been a lovely chase, a beautiful dance, but now all I want is your embrace. I have gotten to know you, but my ideas of you are veils.…

  • The Mind’s Dandelion Mandalas

    The Mind’s Dandelion Mandalas



    On the throne, at the threshold of Pure Potential and Determined causality, the threshold between eternity and time, between Infinity and mind, Clarity and Power opened to me. I saw causes and their consequences, and understanding came and passed, of such great insight, that to utter them, would found a culture of a thousand years,…

  • Put your house in order

    Put your house in order



    There’s a door in my heart, and I’ve been knockin oh so hard. “Oh Beloved, Open up to me!” And she calls out so teasingly: “Oh my love, you’re not ready. put your house in order honey, and then you’ll come to me, like a bubble rising helplessly into the light, until you breach the…

  • Love like Breath

    Love like Breath


    in ,

    Love, Love is life: just like breath, it enters me, it fills me, and like a gift, given then shared, I give it back, for I want to hold, the giver more than the gift, into the warm embrace of my beloved, I am dissolved.

  • Distortion Field

    Distortion Field

    we’re all broken, we’re all broken because the field of distortion that maps out the psyche of our personal self, either wants too much or wants too little: not able to surrender into simple alignment with what is: it is that wanting what is not that forms our hard edge with what is, that periphery…

  • Defeat is Unreal

    Defeat is Unreal

    This mist of defeat does not belong to you. Let it blow away to reveal the eternally victorious. This haze of confusion; of psychological distortion does not belong to you. Let it lift: let it lift from you. Let it no longer obscure, your magnificent view of enlightened awareness, and life’s shimmering beauty, received in…

  • Dear Society

    Dear Society

    Dear society, please forgive me for taking your atheist materialism so personally, for lovelessly rejecting you and mind, and being so rigidly anti-materialist. In the midst of my spiritual crisis, you mistook me in your mental hospitals as a broken organic machine that needed to be repaired. Treating my testament of selfless presence as a…

  • Unclutch


    So this is your person: a mind that tends towards repetitive circular thoughts, or that, in attempting to mentally digest expanded states of spiritual consciousness, gets lost in unresolvable abstract thought. Come back to the present, and don’t personalize experiences of the impersonal – they are not for thinking about it. They are not yours…

  • Seraphim




    Traversing eternity and infinity along an angel’s superluminal blade, it was I that was re-made into a bridge, in a golden form, with rose gold skin and sunset curls of hair, I looked with eyes each with thousands of black and white pupils, arranged in sacred formation, as I saw in and through darkness and…

  • Camino Poetry: Self-Will is Obsolete
  • Camino Poetry: Catching the Mind
  • Camino Poetry: Wholing the Lack
  • Camino Poetry: When will you Trust?
  • Angel Song

    Angel Song


    in ,

    We are each of us on a journey, that we must hope, will at last come to love, as we within each of ourselves find the love, to find within each other true family, as hand in hand we stitch, an eternal circle of hearts: a portal through which heaven pours: Oneness made manifest on…

  • Hello Life

    Hello Life


    in ,

    Hello, little life, Hello, great life, as life itself I greet you. Hello, volumes of life, wearing the forms that contain you, we are life itself, and as that Oneness, we meet truth.

  • All is One

    All is One



    My heart is broken, it weeps; it bleeds, and yet it’s whole, and yet it’s whole. – My heart is broken: broken open, its walls are breached, in a rebirth to love. – My heart is broken, its sheath unsealed, its bud burst open, as it yields to love. – My heart is broken: my…

  • The joy of letting go

    The joy of letting go

    It feels so good, to give it all up, let it all go. To let go of all my conditions: my conditioned mind, and rest in the unconditioned, to rest, o just rest, in the weightless, in the formless. It feels good to let it all go, every condition, even gender identity, sexuality, masculinity, feminity,…

  • Camino Poetry: Life
  • A Length of Grass

    A Length of Grass

    A length of grass, has no ego, no id, neither happy or sad, it simply is, an irreplaceable and essential part of the total perfection of the One field. For the rest of my days, I wish to live like a length of grass.