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The end of Trauma



Trauma is illusion.

The self-fulfilled light has ever been perfectly self-fulfilled.

This life has ever been lived with love. This life has ever been lived with the light of presence. Never has this life known lovelessness. Never has this life known the darkness of unconsciousness. Never has this life been less than perfect.

Your memory and your perception of the present are distorted by the illusionary sense of an imperfect phenomenal personal self. Offer the memories of your personal biography and the ideas of who you are as a sacrifice to that truth that precedes and will endure these fleeting time-bound delusions. All form and life experiences are empty of self.

You have never been alone or disconnected as a personal self: present awareness has always been with you.

You have never been unconscious and deluded by the sense of experiencing in the first person: you have always been the presence.

You have never been unloved: the unconditional love of the presence you are has always lived your life with love.

It is itself the temporary eclipse of the felt field of the unity of being, by a moment of intense personal experiencing, that lodges in the consciousness in the life-form, the painful illusion of separation, disconnection, and isolation from All.

The illusion is precisely so painful because it appears to obscure the life within the life-form’s unity with all life. However, the pain, and the wounded self that arises with it, are both shadows of a conviction in an error.

The details of the past are irrelevant to the present pain of a false conviction of a separate self. It is that conviction in error, not the past evidence from which is was concluded that must be corrected.

Truly, Truly, Truly, to make a quantum leap and drop the whole thing it is enough to firmly hold the conviction that the formless presence of self was always with you through every experience: that the personal self was never alone. That the unconditional love of the formless self was ever with you: that all past experiences were lived with that love even if you couldn’t feel it, and that the eternal peace of the impersonal truth of the formless self was always there even if your lenses couldn’t see it.

The conviction that all your life was lived with love is enough to let go of the details of the past and reunite with the truth of the unconditional love of the undivided.

Be convinced be utterly convinced!

Know that your life has always, is, and always will be lived with total unconditional love. Even if you can not feel it! Be satisfied, no love was ever lacking, could be ever lacking. There is no need to search! All the unconditional love you could ever want has always, is now, and ever will be right here in you! Shut up, sit still, and bask in this self-fulfilledness.

Know that your life has always, is, and always will be filled with the light of truth of this impersonal presence that is your very self even if you haven’t realized it! Be satisfied! You were never alone, never disconnected, and never suffered! Be at peace!